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“My favorite thing about creating art will undoubtedly be putting down my imagination. Sometimes I think of an idea I find great, so I draw them down so I don't forget that idea. It often helps a lot more than just writing.”

Name: Jasmine Wilson

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Pronouns: She/Her

Inspired Aesthetics Programs: From Where We Stand (Virtual Exhibit), Inaugural Art Exhibit (Black Archives), Ceramics Experience


“it gives me the powerful ability to express my imagination”


What is your favorite form of artistic expression? Why?


“My favorite form of artistic expression is illustration because it gives me the powerful ability to express my imagination, emotions, and opinions.”


How do you want to incorporate art/creative expression into your future?


“I would incorporate art/creative expression into my future by implementing my most imaginative ideas on paper, and by having my art convey meaning, whether it'll be establishing a moral or putting in details that can convey possible backgrounds of settings or characters.”

Who influences you as an artist?


“I have multiple people who had influenced me as an artist, but my biggest influencer would be my oldest brother. He had introduced me to drawing tutorials, which led me to improve my art skills. He also sometimes gives me advice related to art, as he is now a graphic designer.”


What is a topic or idea that is most important/interesting to you right now? Why does it matter?


“Generally, imagination because I was always more into unique details and ideas in pieces of artwork. I believe that having imagination can make art pieces more interesting to look at as much as adding meaning or a form of storytelling into them.”


What do you want to do after you graduate high school?


“Straightforwardly, go to college. But I also really want to lose weight and keep the weight off.”

“Well, I do want to become an illustrator, but I also would love to try out other forms of art. I currently have interest in 2D animation, fiction storytelling, comics, woodshop, and fashion design.”


Jayden James